Esta banda fue formada por Bryan Gregory en 1992, en la banda estaba incluida Andrella Christopher quien fuera la misma vocalista de su anterior banda "Beast" ( banda deathrock 1980-84), quien despues de haberse terminado Beast, formo en Uk una banda llamada The Veil.
Bryan Gregory: Guitar
Andrella Canne: Vocals
James Christopher: Guitar
Moses Choi: Bass
John Bechtel: Drums
Andrella Canne: Vocals
James Christopher: Guitar
Moses Choi: Bass
John Bechtel: Drums
The dials, tuvo una vida relativamente corta de 1992 a 1995 a pesar de tener multiples ensayossolo alcanzaron a grabar un material, el cual no pueden dejarlo de escuchar.
-These Hands
-Slip Away
-Round and Round
-Here for You
-Mental Escape
-He's Touched
-Lonely Hour

Desafortunadamente en 2001, Bryan Gregory falleció de un ataque cardiaco. Gran musico, que nos ha dejado un gran tesoro.
English Version:
Band formed by Bryan Gregory in 1992, the band fetured Andrella Christopher whom was the vocalist from their former band "Beast" band that after ended their musicians move to Uk and form "The Veil"
Band Members:
Bryan Gregory: Guitar
Andrella Canne: Vocals
James Christopher: Guitar
Moses Choi: Bass
John Bechtel: Drums
The Dials, had a relative short existence 1992,1995 although they had a lot of rehearsal only can achive one recording wich you have to listent
-These Hands
-Slip Away
-Round and Round
-Here for You
-Mental Escape
-He's Touched
-Lonely Hour
Unfortunately in 2001, Bryan died victime a heart atack.
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